40 Days for Life Niagara
to Apr 13

40 Days for Life Niagara

Wednesday, March 5 to Sunday, April 13, 2025

40 Days for Life is an internationally coordinated 40-day campaign that aims to end abortion locally through prayer and fasting, community outreach, and a peaceful all-day vigil in front of hospitals and abortion clinics.

Location in Niagara

Prayer vigil outside the Niagara Falls hospital: Portage Street and North Street. The vigil will run from 8 am to 8 pm for 40 days, beginning on Wednesday, March 5 and ending on Sunday, April 13. Register or find more information here. There will be free parking all day at the St. Ann Adult Education Centre, 5895 North Street, Niagara Falls, ON. Also, there are a few free spots along North Street.

Volunteers Needed: to be representatives in their parish/church community, to help sign up participants after Masses/Church services. Anyone interested in this contact Angela by email at angelabraun@live.com or call/text at 905-931-0363.

The crisis of abortion is enormous. A tragedy of epidemic proportions, abortion is the leading cause of death in the world, taking more than 50 million lives every year.

Since 40 Days for Life began in 2007, over 25,000 lives have been saved, 159 abortion centres have closed and 268 abortion workers have quit. Let’s continue to pray for unborn babies at risk of abortion, their mothers and families, and for all the vulnerable in our community. 

May your unfailing love be with us, Lord, even as we put our hope in you.
Psalm 33:22

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Youth Life Reps- Euthanasia
6:30 PM18:30

Youth Life Reps- Euthanasia

Highschool and post-secondary students our invited to our next Youth Life Reps meeting! We meet 3-4 times a year at a cozy barn in Fenwick. Each meeting includes:

1) Education - training to enable you to be pro-life representatives within your church and school

2) Breakout sessions- for discussion and practice of material learned

3) Updates on upcoming Choose Life events

4) Fun, games, and food! 

Please register here if you would like to attend Choose Life Niagara's next Youth Life Reps meeting on Fri. April 4 at 6:30. We will be kick-starting our series on euthanasia with a pizza night!

For more information, call (289) 969-7356 or email info@chooselife.ca. 

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Diaper Drive
to May 9

Diaper Drive

April 9, 2025 - may 9, 2025

Your gift of diapers, wipes and baby essentials for women and babies in need would be greatly appreciated and will be distributed to pregnancy care centres. All sizes are welcome and can be dropped off at our office at:

1 Belton Blvd, Unit 102, St. Catharines
Monday through Friday, 12 to 4 pm.

Please contact us at 905-684-7505 before dropping off your donation. Contact us for drop-off locations outside of St. Catharines.

We also accept monetary donations toward the diaper drive. Feel free to drop off or mail a cheque or cast to our office or send an e-transfer info@chooselife.ca. Please write "Diaper Drive” in the message box of the e-transfer or memo line of your cheque.

Thank you for your generosity and the care you hold for mothers in need.

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March for Life Trip to Ottawa 2025
to May 9

March for Life Trip to Ottawa 2025


High school and post-secondary students are invited to join us at the March for Life in Ottawa on Parliament Hill where thousands of Canadians will gather to draw attention to the injustice of abortion.

Choose Life Niagara is sending a busload of students (and our chaperones) to participate in the March for Life, as well as the Banquet and the National Prolife Youth Conference! 

We will be leaving from Vineland Car Park on Thursday, May 8 at 5:00 a.m., arriving in Ottawa in time for the March for Life. After some free time to see the sights, we’ll be bussed to our hotel, attending the Banquet, and then the Youth Conference the following day. We will leave Ottawa around 2:30 p.m. Friday, May 9 and should arrive back at the Car Park by 9:30 p.m.

Click here to register for the bus trip and e-transfer your $120 fee to info@chooselife.ca no later than April 20. Space is limited. First come, first serve. Contact our office at 905-684-7505 or info@chooselife.ca for more information.

For those of you who had planned to drive up to Ottawa on your own, visit marchforlife.ca for more information.

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Golf for Life Tournament
11:30 AM11:30

Golf for Life Tournament

Golf for Life Tournament

Download the poster and share it with family and friends!

On Friday, July 25th, Choose Life Niagara will host its first Golf for Life Tournament at Riverview Golf Club in Fenwick! Mark your calendars, gather your team, and get ready to tee off in support of Choose Life Niagara. The tournament will feature a best ball competition with a delicious steak dinner to top off a great day on the course.

Early bird pricing is available until May 31st, so secure your spot by registering today.

Date: Friday, July 25th, 2025
Location: Riverview Golf Club, 313 Victoria Avenue, Fenwick
Check-in: 11:30 am

Cost: Early Bird $145 (ends May 31st), Regular $160, Steak Dinner Only $50

Forms of Payment:
Credit card payment is accepted through CanadaHelps. You can also send an e-transfers to info@chooselife.ca. If you wish to pay by cheque, please contact our office.

If you require assistance in purchasing tickets, please contact our office at 905-684-7505 or by email at info@chooselife.ca.

Dietary Restrictions: Please email info@chooselife.ca if you have dietary allergies or restrictions.

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Life Talks 2025
9:00 AM09:00

Life Talks 2025

Join Choose Life Niagara at Life Talks

Life Talks is a full-day conference that addresses the challenging life topics of our day & navigates how we can respond with compassion. The day is packed with learning, development, fellowship, and forward thinking.

Learn from Canadian speakers who are leaders, experts, and advocates in the pro-life movement. Become a more effective ambassador for life this year by attending Life Talks.

Visit their website for more information: haltonalive.ca/lifetalks

Appropriate for youth and adults. Lunch and refreshments are included.

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 Annual Dinner & AGM
5:00 PM17:00

Annual Dinner & AGM

Deadline to Purchase Tickets Extended to


Our Annual Dinner helps us to reach hearts and minds of all ages through our many initiatives. Guest speaker: Author and pre-law university student Liana Gordan, went from being an adamant pro-choicer to a passionate pro-life advocate. Disillusioned by the culture’s obsession with self and the degradation of human life, she was set on a journey to find the meaning and purpose of her life. Liana recently challenged pro-abortion presenters at the 68th UN Commission on the Status of Women and is committed to equipping individuals to defend their pro-life convictions.  In her talk, she will present strategies and perspectives that can help advance the pro-life cause in Canada.

Join us for a delicious dinner, wonderful fellowship, and an inspirational speaker. Tickets are $60 for adults and $30 for students. Download the poster to share and invite family and friends!

Tickets sales end on Thursday, February 20, 2025 at 11:59 pm.

Note to Members*: We encourage you attend our Annual General Meeting at 4:30 pm for a brief review of the past years activities, our financial statements and nomination of board members report.

*Members are those who subscribe to our guiding principles and who have made a donation to Choose Life Niagara in the last two years or contributed as a volunteer to the work of the association.

Become a sponsor! If you or someone you know are interested in becoming a sponsor, review our Sponsorship Package and complete the Sponsorship Opportunities Form.

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Pro-Life 101 Coffeehouse with Maria McCann
1:00 PM13:00

Pro-Life 101 Coffeehouse with Maria McCann

Interested in learning how to respond to pro-choice arguments? 40 Days for Life Niagara is hosting a kickoff event Saturday, February 15 to help you defend the pro-life position, whether out on the sidewalk at 40 Days for Life, or in everyday conversations. Guest speaker will be pro-life apologist and speaker Maria McCann from 4LifeLondon.

Admission is free and refreshments will be provided. Freewill offerings gratefully accepted. For more information, contact Angela or call/text 905-931-0363.

“Maria is a rare, indispensable figure in the culture war. Second-to-none in defending the anti-abortion position with envious philosophical precision, detailed embryological knowledge, and a very human compassion, she also defends a humane conception of disability rights, medical ethics, and the need for both truth and love in our wounded culture. I highly recommend attending to anything she says, and reading anything she writes.”  

Dr. Rashad Rehman, PhD, Assistant Professor of Philosophy, Franciscan University of Steubenville

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Youth Life Reps
7:30 PM19:30

Youth Life Reps

Highschool and post-secondary students our invited to our next Youth Life Reps meetings! We meet 3-4 times a year at a cozy barn in Fenwick. Each meeting includes:

1) Education - training to enable you to be pro-life representatives within your church and school

2) Breakout sessions- for discussion and practice of material learned

3) Updates on upcoming Choose Life events

4) Fun, games, and food! 

Please register here if you would like to attend Choose Life Niagara's next Youth Life Reps meeting on Fri. Jan 17 at 7:30 or if you'd like to attend in the future. Spots are limited! 

For more information, call (289) 969-7356 or email info@chooselife.ca. 

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Circle Square Ranch Youth Retreat
to Nov 23

Circle Square Ranch Youth Retreat

All high school and post-secondary students are invited to join us for our annual overnight Youth Retreat at the Circle Square Ranch in Brantford!

The retreat consists of educational sessions that will equip youth to stand for life against abortion and fun ranch activities, including horseback riding, archery, rock climbing and more.

The cost is $60, which includes bus transportation, snacks, meals on Saturday, overnight accommodation, education sessions and ranch activities.

Buses will depart from the Vineland Carpool Lot at 5:45 pm on Friday, Nov. 22 and will return around 9:00 pm on Saturday, Nov. 23.

To register, click here .

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Fall Coffeehouse
7:00 PM19:00

Fall Coffeehouse

Join us for a free presentation from MaterCare International, an organization of obstetricians and gynecologists dedicated to improving the lives and health of mothers and babies, both born and unborn, to reduce the tragic levels of abortion world-wide.

They are dedicated to serving communities worldwide through their maternal health initiatives. Their projects focus on providing essential resources and support to women and families in need, spreading hope and compassion.

Refreshments will be provided. A free will offering will be collected for MaterCare International.

Date: Tues., Oct. 22, 2024
Time: 7:00 pm
Location: Club Roma, 125 Vansickle Rd, St. Catharines

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Life Chain 2024
1:00 PM13:00

Life Chain 2024


Join with thousands, internationally, rain or shine, to pray and stand in peaceful witness to the sanctity of human life.  Life Chain began in Canada over 30 years ago in 1990. Through the years, lives have been saved and hearts have been changed during its powerful witness. Life Chain is being held this year in over 300 locations in Canada.

Sunday, October 6, 2024


BEAMSVILLE: 1:00 to 2:00 pm, King St between Ontario & Mountain Sts

BEAMSVILLE: 1:00 – 2:00 pm, Greelane at Ontario St

DUNNVILLE: 4:30 to 5:30 pm, 1051 Broad St. E. between Home Hardware and Canadian Tire

GRIMSBY: 1:00 to 2:00 pm, Main St. W. at Christie St.

GRIMSBY: 1:00 – 2:00 pm, Main St. E. at Bartlett Ave.

NIAGARA FALLS: 2:30 to 3:30 pm, Lundy’s Lane at Prince Edward Ave., Highland Ave. and Dorchester Rd.

ST. CATHARINES: 2:30 to 3:30 pm, Lake St. at Carleton St.

VINELAND: 1:00 to 2:00 pm, King St. at Victoria Ave.

WELLAND: 2:30 to 3:30 pm, Niagara St. between Woodlawn Rd. & Lancaster Dr.

See Life Chain signs for Niagara this year

For information on other locations, visit the official Life Chain website.

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Youth Life Reps
7:30 PM19:30

Youth Life Reps

Choose Life invites high school and post-secondary students out to our youth life reps meetings!

We meet about 4 times a year at a cozy barn in Fenwick. Each meeting includes:

1) Education - training to enable you to be pro-life representatives within your church and school

2) Breakout sessions- for discussion and practice of material learned

3) Updates on upcoming Choose Life events

4) Fun, games, and food! 

Please register here if you would like to attend Choose Life Niagara's next Youth Life Reps meeting on Thurs, Oct 3 at 7:30 or if you'd like to attend in the future. Spots are limited! 

For more information, call (289) 969-7356 or email info@chooselife.ca. 

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Welland Port Colborne-Pro-Life 2024 Dinner
6:00 PM18:00

Welland Port Colborne-Pro-Life 2024 Dinner

  • 90 Griffith Street Welland, ON, L3B 4G4 Canada (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

You are invited!

to the Welland Port Colborne Pro-Life 2024 Dinner featuring Jeff Gunnarson as guest speaker! Jeff is the National President of Campaign Life Coalition.

Enjoy food, fellowship and an inspiring message. Tickets are $40 and can be purchased until May 25, 2024.

To purchase tickets, call 905-735-3666 or email Josie Rocca at rocca_josie@hotmail.com.

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March for Life Trip to Ottawa 2024
to May 10

March for Life Trip to Ottawa 2024


Join us at the March for Life in Ottawa on Parliament Hill where thousands of Canadians will gather on the hill to draw attention to the injustice of abortion.

Choose Life Niagara is sending a busload of students and chaperones to participate in the March for Life, as well as the Youth Banquet and the National Prolife Youth Conference! 

We will be leaving from Vineland Car Park Thursday May 9 at 5:00 a.m., arriving in Ottawa in time for the March for Life. After some free time to see the sights, we’ll be bussed to our hotel, attending the Youth Banquet, and then the Youth Conference the following day. We leave Ottawa around 2:00 p.m. Friday and should arrive back at the Car Park by 9:30 p.m.

Click here to register for the bus trip and etransfer your $100 fee to info@chooselife.ca no later than April 20. Space is limited. First come, first serve. Contact our office at 905-684-7505 or info@chooselife.ca for more information.

For those of you who had planned to drive up to Ottawa on your own, visit marchforlife.ca for more information.

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Choose Life Niagara Dinner 2024
5:00 PM17:00

Choose Life Niagara Dinner 2024


Please join us for our 2024 Choose Life Niagara Annual Dinner on Saturday, April 13 at Club Roma in St. Catharines, featuring guest speaker Blaise Alleyne, pro-life activist, technologist, writer, and public speaker. Blaise is the Eastern Strategic Initiatives Director for CCBR, founder of the Toronto Against Abortion project, and co-author of A Guide to Discussing Assisted Suicide. He speaks regularly across Canada and in the United States on pro-life strategy, and on both abortion and euthanasia apologetics.

Join us for a delicious dinner, wonderful fellowship, and an inspirational speaker. Tickets are $60 for adults and $30 for students.

Deadline for purchasing tickets is Thursday, April 4, 2024 at 11:59 pm.

Forms of Payment: The CanadaHelps platform accepts credit card payments only. If you wish to pay by cheque or e-transfer, please contact our office.

Buying Multiple Tickets: Please note that if you are purchasing multiple tickets, you must have the following information for each member of your group at the moment of purchase. Failure to provide the information below may result in seating complications at the event. Reserving tickets or tables is not available.

  • full name of each member of your group

  • email addresses

  • dietary allergies or restrictions and/or any special accessibility accommodation

  • preference in seating arrangements (we'll do our best to accommodate)

Transferring tickets and refunds can be issued before Thursday, March 28, 2024 with your written request by email. Verbal requests are not accepted.

If you require assistance in purchasing tickets, please contact our office at 905-684-7505 or by email at info@chooselife.ca.


Are you interested in becoming a Sponsor for this event? Please download our Sponsorship Package for more information.

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Choose Life Dinner Youth Workshop
3:00 PM15:00

Choose Life Dinner Youth Workshop

Just prior to Choose Life Niagara’s annual dinner, we are hosting an interactive workshop for high school and post-secondary students! Our speaker is Blaise Alleyne (co-author of “A Guide to Discussing Assisted Suicide”), who will give us more in-depth training on making the case for life when discussing euthanasia.

As usual for our youth events, great snacks and some friendly competition are included :)

Register here by April 6 to attend.

We would love for you to join our annual dinner immediately following the workshop where you will learn more from Blaise. See more information regarding the dinner here . The cost for attending the dinner is $25 for students who also attend the workshop.

We hope you will walk away from this workshop and our annual dinner with more confidence in what you believe regarding euthanasia and why you believe it! 

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Mother's Day Diaper Drive 2024
to May 31

Mother's Day Diaper Drive 2024

  • Choose Life Niagara (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Donate Diapers, Wipes and Baby Essentials

Your gift of diapers, wipes and baby essentials for women and babies in need would be greatly appreciated and will be distributed to pregnancy care centres in Niagara. All sizes are welcome and can be dropped off at our office located on Belton Blvd in St. Catharines Monday through Friday, between noon and 4:00 pm starting April 12 until May 13, 2024. To arrange a different time, please call 905-684-7505.

Monetary donations are gratefully accepted and will be used to purchase the most pressing baby needs in our region. Income tax receipts will be issued for cash/cheque/etransfer donations. We can also issue gift-in-kind receipts — just make sure to bring your store receipt when you drop off diapers.

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Life Talks 2024
9:00 AM09:00

Life Talks 2024

  • 4691 Palladium Way Burlington, ON, L7M 0W9 Canada (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Join Choose Life Niagara at Life Talks

Life Talks is a full-day conference that addresses the challenging life topics of our day & navigates how we can respond with compassion. The day is packed with learning, development, fellowship, and forward thinking.

Learn from Canadian speakers who are leaders, experts, and advocates in the pro-life movement. Become a more effective ambassador for life this year by attending Life Talks.

Appropriate for youth and adults. Lunch and refreshments are included. More info

Choose Life Niagara has purchased a group rate for our members.

Contact our office for free tickets!

If you are a supporter of Choose Life Niagara, contact us to be included in our group rate at 905-684-7505 or email info@chooselife.ca .

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Former abortion clinic worker speaking in Niagara
8:15 PM20:15

Former abortion clinic worker speaking in Niagara

You are invited to hear former Planned Parenthood clinic worker Ramona Trevino’s compelling story on Wednesday night, March 13, at St. Alfred’s Church hall in St. Catharines. Ramona is a professional speaker and author of the book “Redeemed by Grace.” She will share how a major heart conversion led her out of the abortion clinic into serving in the pro-life movement where she has become an agent of healing for others. Her mission has become proclaiming the beauty of all human life and dispelling the myth that abortion helps women.


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40 Days for Life Niagara 2024
to Mar 24

40 Days for Life Niagara 2024

  • Niagara Falls Hospital (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

40 Days for Life is an internationally coordinated 40-day campaign that aims to end abortion locally through prayer and fasting, community outreach, and a peaceful all-day vigil in front of abortion businesses.

Two Locations in Niagara

  1. Prayer vigil outside the Niagara Falls hospital: Portage and North Sts. Register online

  2. Prayer vigil outside the Niagara Region Public Health, Welland: Register online

New! Former abortion clinic worker speaking in Niagara!

Ramona Trevino, who formerly worked at a Planned Parenthood abortion clinic, will be speaking Wednesday March 13, 2024 in the St. Alfred’s Church hall, 272 Vine Street, St. Catharines at 8:15 p.m. All are invited to hear her story of a major heart conversion that led her out of the abortion clinic into serving in the pro-life movement. Her mission has become proclaiming the beauty of all human life and dispelling the myth that abortion helps women.

Since 40 Days for Life began in 2007, over 24,000 lives have been saved, 148 abortion centres have closed and 256 abortion workers have quit.  Let’s continue to pray for unborn babies at risk of abortion, their mothers and families, and for all the vulnerable in our community. 

May your unfailing love be with us, Lord, even as we put our hope in you.
Psalm 33:22

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Roe Canada Screening in Niagara
7:00 PM19:00

Roe Canada Screening in Niagara

  • Vineland Free Reformed Church (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Roe Canada: The True North in a Post-Roe World

The historic overturning of Roe v Wade in the U.S. on June 24, 2022 brought hope and renewed vigor to the pro-life movement around the world.

Could we ever win a victory like this in Canada where 300 preborn babies die every day by abortion and currently there are no laws to protect them throughout the entire 9 months of pregnancy?

The recently released riveting documentary Roe Canada examines that question, featuring familiar faces like former abortion clinic director Abby Johnson, Emily Albrecht (who spoke at the Choose Life Dinner last year), Kristin Hawkins of Students for Life of America, Canadian MPs Arnold Viersen and Cathay Wagantall….even Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau!

Choose Life Niagara is pleased to host a screening of the film on Tuesday night, February 13. Vineland Free Reformed Church has kindly offered their beautiful church hall for this event. Please join us and be encouraged as we watch the film together. Enjoy fellowship and refreshments too. There will be opportunity for those who would like to contribute to a freewill offering afterward.

Can’t make this screening? If you can’t attend this screening, Halton Alive is also hosting a screening on Monday, February 5th, 7 pm at Fellowship Church, 3422 New Street in Burlington. Click HERE to register.

In Roe Canada, Abby Johnson, author of “Unplanned,” shares about the destruction abortion brought in her life.

Roe Canada trailer

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Choose Life Youth Retreat
to Nov 4

Choose Life Youth Retreat

Join us for a weekend away at Circle Square Ranch in Brantford, ON! This overnight trip is a perfect mixture of fun activities (including horseback riding!) and education on abortion, euthanasia and other life issues.

This retreat is open to high school students. Cost to attend is only $55.00 per person; this includes all meals, accommodation, and bus transportation to and from the event. The bus will be leaving from Vineland Car Park on Friday, November 3 at 5:45 p.m., and returning the following day at approximately 9:30 p.m.

Register here. The first 60 applicants will be able to participate in horse back riding. The first 20 applicants will have the early bird bonus of a horseback trail ride! For more information, email info@chooselife.ca or call us at 905-684-7505.


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March for Life Trip to Ottawa 2023
to May 12

March for Life Trip to Ottawa 2023


Join us at the March for Life in Ottawa on Parliament Hill where thousands of Canadians will gather on the hill to draw attention to the injustice of abortion.

Choose Life Niagara is sending a busload of students and chaperones to participate in the March for Life, as well as the Youth Banquet and the National Prolife Youth Conference! 

Youth Conference Speakers

We will be leaving from Vineland Car Park Thursday May 11 at 5:00 a.m., arriving in Ottawa in time for the March for Life. After some free time to see the sights, we’ll be bussed to our hotel, attending the Youth Banquet, and then the Youth Conference the following day. We leave Ottawa around 2:00 p.m. Friday and should arrive back at the Car Park by 9:30 p.m.

Click here to register for the bus trip and etransfer your $95 fee to info@chooselife.ca no later than April 20. Space is limited. First come, first serve. Contact our office at 905-684-7505 or info@chooselife.ca for more information.

For those of you who had planned to drive up to Ottawa May 11 on your own, visit marchforlife.ca for more information.

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Life Talks Conference 2023
9:30 AM09:30

Life Talks Conference 2023

Life Talks is a full-day conference that addresses the challenging life topics of our day & navigates how we can respond with compassion. The day is packed with learning, development, fellowship, and forward thinking.

Learn from Canadian speakers who are leaders, experts, and advocates in the pro-life movement. Become a more effective ambassador for life this year by attending Life Talks.

Appropriate for youth and adults. Lunch and refreshments are included. More info

Contact our office for tickets:
if you are a supporter of Choose Life Niagara to be included in our group rate. 905-684-7505 or email info@chooselife.ca .

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7:00 PM19:00

Respect Life Mass



will be celebrated by

Most Rev. Gerard Bergie

Bishop of St. Catharines

The Feast of the Annunciation of the Lord

Friday, March 24, 2023 at 7:00 p.m.


The Cathedral of St. Catherine of Alexandria

3 Lyman Street, St. Catharines

Let us pray together for the protection of life in all its stages,
for greater respect for God’s gift of life and for those wounded by abortion.

For more information, contact the Cathedral Office at 905-684-3964.

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Choose Life Niagara 2023 Dinner
6:00 PM18:00

Choose Life Niagara 2023 Dinner

She speaks frequently on college campuses, in high schools, and for churches, conferences and special events. She regularly appears in interviews and radio/TV/podcasts, including appearances on MSNBC, BBC Newsday, EWTN, Focus on the Family, Relevant

Choose Life Niagara

Invites you to join us at our 2023 dinner event on Saturday, February 25 at Club Italia in Niagara Falls, featuring speaker Emily Albrecht, Director of Education and Outreach at the Equal Rights Institute in the U.S. (poster)

Emily specializes in teaching people to have respectful and productive dialogues about abortion while promoting a culture of life in their communities. She:

  • speaks frequently on college campuses, in high schools, and for churches, conferences and special events

  • regularly appears in interviews and radio/TV/podcasts, including appearances on MSNBC, BBC Newsday, EWTN, Focus on the Family, Relevant Radio, Christianity Today, and Real Presence LIVE

  • has a substantial following on her social media accounts where her short videos defending life have had more than 4 million views.

Please join us and invite your family and friends!

A delicious dinner, wonderful fellowship and an inspiring talk from an incredible speaker.
Cost is $50. Student rate: $25.


can be purchased until Friday, February 17:
1) by Etransfer to info@chooselife.ca (write “Dinner 2023 + guest names” in Memo line)
2) by calling our office at 905-684-7505
3) online here:
When purchasing tickets, make sure to indicate any dietary restrictions and also let us know if there is a group you’d like to be seated with.

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Youth Event with Emily Albrecht
3:00 PM15:00

Youth Event with Emily Albrecht

High school and post-secondary students

Moving Beyond the Slogans: How to have conversations about abortion

Emily Albrecht on MSNBC Oct. 2022

High school and post-secondary students are welcome to join us for an interactive seminar with Emily Albrecht! Learn how to have conversations about abortion and how to respond to common prochoice arguments. Refreshments and some fun activities are included. The seminar has a limited capacity of 50 students, so claim your spot early!

You are also welcome to join us immediately following the youth event for our Annual Dinner, where Emily will delve into her personal story, teach us how to break down walls, and give us the most persuasive argument of all. The Dinner is $20 for those attending the Youth Seminar. Help us make this the largest pro-life gathering yet in Niagara!

How to sign up

There is no cost for the seminar, but you need to register here to reserve your spot. Space is limited so be sure to sign up early! The opportunity to stay for our Annual Dinner is on that form as well. Email info@chooselife.ca for more information.


Emily is quickly becoming one of the most well-known and respected pro-life apologists in the U.S. and beyond. A recent college graduate and employee at Equal Rights Institute in Texas, Emily:

  • speaks frequently on college campuses, in high schools, and for churches, conferences and special events,

  • regularly appears in interviews and radio/TV/podcasts, including appearances on MSNBC, BBC Newsday, EWTN, Focus on the Family, Relevant Radio, Christianity Today, and Real Presence LIVE

  • has a substantial following on her social media accounts where her short videos defending life have had more than 4 million views.

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Choose Life Youth Retreat
to Nov 5

Choose Life Youth Retreat

Join us for a weekend away at Circle Square Ranch in Brantford, ON. This overnight trip will have fun activities including horseback riding, as well as education about abortion, euthanasia and other life issues.

This retreat is open to teenagers age 13 to 19. Cost to attend is only $50.00 per person, which includes all meals, accommodation and bus transportation to and from the event. The bus will be leaving at 6:15 p.m. from Vineland Car Park on Friday, November 4, and returning the following day at approximately 9:30 p.m.

To register or for more information, email info@chooselife.ca or call us at 905-684-7505. View Poster.

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Pro-Life Fall Coffeehouse and Dessert Social
7:00 PM19:00

Pro-Life Fall Coffeehouse and Dessert Social

Euthanasia and assisted suicide

How to make the case for life

Pro-life apologist Blaise Alleyne, co-author of A Guide to Discussing Assisted Suicide

Pro-life apologist Blaise Alleyne, co-author of A Guide to Discussing Assisted Suicide

More than 3.3% of deaths in Canada are due to euthanasia and assisted suicide. There were over 10,000 assisted deaths (MAiD) in 2021, a 32% increase from the previous year. Next year, Canada will allow those with mental illness to qualify, certain to add to the death toll significantly.

How can we promote respect for life in the face of Canada’s euthanasia regime? What can we do and say to protect the vulnerable who are most at risk?  

Join us at the St. Alfred Church Hall, 272 Vine Street, St. Catharines, on October 18 @ 7:00 p.m. to enjoy fellowship, a cup of coffee or tea, along with treats, and hear our excellent guest speaker, Blaise Alleyne, who will give us the information and tools we need to effectively make the case for life against euthanasia and assisted suicide.

Many thanks to the St. Alfred’s CWL for co-hosting this event with us.

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Life Chain 2022
1:00 PM13:00

Life Chain 2022

Join with thousands, internationally, rain or shine, to pray and stand in peaceful witness to the sanctity of human life.  Life Chain began in Canada over 30 years ago in 1990. Through the years, lives have been saved and hearts have been changed during its powerful witness. Life Chain is being held this year in over 200 locations in Canada.

Sunday, October 2, 2022

Locations in Niagara:

St. Catharines: 2:30 pm to 3:30 pm, Lake St at Carleton St. Contact: Rob & Jackie messinger.jac@gmail.com 905-646-4926

Niagara Falls: 2:30 pm to 3:30 pm  Contact Annette:  loeffenlife@hotmail.com Signs and information available at 3 tables along Lundy’s Lane @

  • Highland Ave.

  • Dorchester Rd

  • Prince Edward Ave.

Welland: 2:30 pm to 3:30 pm, Niagara St between Woodlawn Rd & Lancaster Dr Contact: loeffenlife@hotmail.com

Grimsby: 1:00 pm to 2:00 pm,  Contact Joanne 905-309-3340.

  • Main St W at Christie

  • Main St and Bartlett

Beamsville: 1:00 pm to 2:00 pm Contact Nancy winslownancy@hotmail.com 905-563-7096.

  • King St at Mountain St

  • King St at Ontario St

Vineland: 1:00 pm to 2:00 pm, King St at Victoria Ave.

Dunnville: 1:00 pm to 2:00 pm, Broad St E at Home Hardware

See Life Chain signs for Niagara this year

Invest One Hour to Save a Lifetime!

For information on other locations, visit:https: //www.campaignlifecoalition.com/hot-news/id/528

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Celebrate Life Dinner
5:30 PM17:30

Celebrate Life Dinner

  • 203 Carlton Street St. Catharines, ON, L2R 1S1 Canada (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Sold Out!

The upcoming Choose Life Niagara Celebrate Life dinner event features speaker Lia Mills, who at the young age of 12, delivered a pro-life speech that went viral around the world. Now Lia is a human rights attorney who uses her voice to speak for those who have no voice. A delicious dinner, fellowship and an inspiring talk. Cost is $50. Student rate: $25.

This event is sold out, but we are taking a waiting list. If you wish to be added to the waitlist or would like more information, please contact us by calling 905-684-7505, or emailing info@chooselife.ca.

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