Interested in learning how to respond to pro-choice arguments? 40 Days for Life Niagara is hosting a kickoff event Saturday, February 15 to help you defend the pro-life position, whether out on the sidewalk at 40 Days for Life, or in everyday conversations. Guest speaker will be pro-life apologist and speaker Maria McCann from 4LifeLondon.
Admission is free and refreshments will be provided. Freewill offerings gratefully accepted. For more information, contact Angela or call/text 905-931-0363.
“Maria is a rare, indispensable figure in the culture war. Second-to-none in defending the anti-abortion position with envious philosophical precision, detailed embryological knowledge, and a very human compassion, she also defends a humane conception of disability rights, medical ethics, and the need for both truth and love in our wounded culture. I highly recommend attending to anything she says, and reading anything she writes.”
Dr. Rashad Rehman, PhD, Assistant Professor of Philosophy, Franciscan University of Steubenville