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Pro-Life Coffee House - Dessert Night

Topic: Assisted Dying
Guest Speaker: MP Harold Albrecht

@ Knights of Columbus Hall, 235 Church Street
7:30 p.m.

Recommendations by the Parliamentary Committee on Physician Assisted Dying fall far short of what  is necessary to protect vulnerable Canadians and conscience rights of health professionals.  Among the proposals:

  • All doctors, nurses, and pharmacists in Canada must kill on request, or refer patient to someone else who will.
  • All hospitals and hospices must offer "assisted dying."
  • Assisted dying for the depressed even if in perfect bodily health and soon for "mature minors."
  • Assisted dying for those not terminally ill.  

What will this mean for the vulnerable and for doctors, nurses, and pharmacists? What will this mean for our hospitals and hospices? What will this mean for Canada? What can we do?
Special guest: Harold Albrecht, MP (Kitchener/ Conestoga), a member of the Committee that drafted the recommendations, will explain why they are “fatally flawed”  at our Pro-Life Coffeehouse March 31st.  

 Coffee, tea, and treats will be provided.  Email: or call 905-684-7505 for more information.

"It is my view, that with the unrealistically short time-frame given to create legislation to properly protect our most vulnerable, the Government should have implemented the notwithstanding clause, which would have given parliament five years to craft proper legislation, rather than rush forward with a very weak and permissive regime which will not adequately protect our most vulnerable citizens."      MP Harold Albrecht